Monday, October 23

A case of the Mondays

I feel a lot better today. Except for the fact that I barely slept last night. I just had so much adrenaline that I wasn't tired. I stayed up and watched Season 9 disc 2 of Friends. It normally puts me to sleep to watch Friends but I was on some really funny ones and I just couldn't go to sleep! I watched the one when Ross and Rachel hire the Manny. Priceless.

I am at the Pi Phi house waiting for Spanish at 2. I hate this gap between my classes. It is such a waste of time. More LNC interviews tonight and and Oil and Gas law test tomorrow. I think I'll take a nap right now and get rested up for the big night.

Signing off for now...

Back to Blogging

So I took a good 3 month break from bloggin but I just couldn't help thinking about it constantly so here I am, back at it again! Even though my blogs won't be nearly as cool as when I was abroad, I figure this will at least give me a medium to put my thoughts out there, and really just vent what I am thinking. It helped me get through my abroad experience and I hope that it will make an interesting read when I am here as well.

I think the funny thing that is so different is that there was so little drama when I was in Argentina. Yes, the occasional boyfriend fight or homesick moment, but it was all relatively calm. I loved living in a place where I could concentrate so hard on my studies and really learning a new culture. Opening up and seeing life for what it is, not just the superficial stuff that goes on here around Oxford.

I feel like Argentina helped me to grow up. I feel way beyond many of my classmates because I have this experience and this view of the world that they are missing out on. Traveling can certainly give you that wisdom but I think living in a foreign county is really a unique experience and really changes a person. I definetly matured.

Today I was cleaning and bored so I rearranged the furniture in the living room. My roommates flipped out. I guess I could have asked them, but I didnt figure it would be a big deal. I mean, I think it is fun to have a bit of a change and toss things up every once in a while! They don't apperantly. I am living in a castle full of princesses and they do not want their things to be touched. Oh well, I am just going to ignore it and move on. Why does taking the high road have to be so hard sometimes? Its like I know it shouldnt be a big deal but they didn't have to be hateful and rude about it. Seriously, asking me to move it back would have been fine. Sending me rude text messages, totally uncalled for. I just don't see how people can have so little respect for the feelings of other people. Seriously.

You have probably noticed I have been watching a lot of Grey's Anatomy. I mean for shear count of the "Seriouslys" mentioned above. I am beyond addicted to that show. I love the anticipation of Thursday nights and finally getting to join my friends, Mer, Der, Izzy, George, Alex, Burktina, and of course Bailey, for an hour of witty, unrealistic, medically dramatic fun! It is a nice escape to analyze the drama in other people's lives, take a break from reality, and guess what is going to happen next week. I am also very obsessed with the Writers Blog at - they are hilarious and its worth reading for any loyal grey's fan.

Okay well I am off to bed. I have worn myself out so much that I cannot possible be upset about the furniture thing anymore. Sleep sweet.