So I can't get a darn thing done just anticipating the next week full of dramatic TV cliffhangers. Last night Mia and I had movie marathon 2k6 and hung out at my house crocheting and watching Desperate Housewives episodes, Ella Enchated, and Wimbledon. It was pretty intense, but all in preparation for tonight's finale.
I am still just absolutely floored that the Grey's finale is 3 hours long! One hour tonight and two tomorrow. Really...I am dying of the pressure. Will Christina and Burke break up (she fell asleep!?), will Denny get a new heart, will Derek go crazy from jealousy of Mer and Dr. McHunky (aka Chris O'Donnell aka the Vet)...its just too much to handle. I actually had a dream last night I was at Seattle Grace...I woke up wishing I was a pre-med major...but oh yeah...I hate blood and hospitals in general.
I am also morally torn between desperately wanting Mer and Derek to get back together and wanting Der and Addison to work it out. Like Meredith said, he wouldnt be him if he wasn't trying to make it work. And I actually really do like Addison...but I mean really she did sleep with her husband's best friend?! And Mer and Vet are so cute...but hes not her Mc Dreamy.
Also...for those of you who watch and the writers blog on Its pretty interesting. But I just read the recap of last week and ummm it said "did you notice the HEAT between Addison and Alex" umm that is way intense. I could not handle that. Maybe unless it led to Mer and McDreamy getting back together...hmmm.
Okay so that was a total waste of time analyzing the lives of these fake characters. But everyone has a vice and I guess Grey's Anatomy is mine right now. Hopefully now with all that off my chest I can get some studying done. Sorry to bore you.
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