So I have yet to write about my first (and probably only) Argentine haircut experience. So Wednesday I was just feeling blah about everything. I decided I needed a new outlook...and a new haircut to accompany the change in attitude! I was very nervous because a few of the other girls have gotten their hair cuts and been suckered into getting the "Argentine girl mullet" as I like to call it. I will have to find a pic and post it because it is just horid.
So my friend Tara and I ventured out to find a hair salon. On the reccomendation of one of the ladies who works at our school (who has very cute hair) we found this place called...I forget, but thats not important. It looked like a pretty trendy place so we were pretty excited. When I was called the hair washer guy introduced me to my hair cutter guy. We exchanged the normal Argentine kiss on the cheek which still weirds me out...I mean do we really have to get that close to someone who is cutting our hair?! The guy who was cutting my hair looked like Luke from the Gilmore Girls. Jeans, plaid flannel shirt...the whole thing. If he didn't have the Argentine boy mullet I would have mistaken him for Luke...really.
So hair wash etc etc and I am kinda nervous because this guy looks like he knows as much about cutting hair as I do about changing the oil in my car. But through my broken spanish (why have we never leared hair cut vocabulary in class?) and hand motions we pretty much figured out a system. And there he went flying away with the scissors. 20 minutes later...tada! It looks about the same as it did before. Only shorter. At least it feels 10 times healthier and I had nice hair for the evening :)
Well I guess its off to watch more Gilmore Girls and fall asleep. Lovenight!
1 comment:
testing...okay just testing to make sure this still works after the switch...
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