Monday, February 19

Monday is the new Friday!

Monday is so the new Friday. I know many people would disagree but I decided you have to change your attitude towards Monday to like it. I mean, here we are at the beginning of a whole new week with endless possibilities ahead of us! Seriously, when I think about it I have spent way too much time hating Mondays. Maybe my new found obsession with coffee has something to do with my joy for the beginning of the week. We'll have to see.

T-minus four days till our thesis first draft is due. This is crunch time. I am sitting here at Uptown Coffee, my newest inspirational place to write thesis, blogging to get my creative juices flowing and my hands in prime typing mode.

I heard on BBC radio yesterday about a study that proved that people who have coffee in their system are more receptive to ideas that they might not agree with. I thought that was interesting and I am a big fan of coffee, and new ideas so I was pumped. I wonder if that is why people like to talk politics at coffee shops? Probably. Note to self: make coffee shop friends to discuss new ideas with.

Being here makes me really want a Mac. I want to be a trendy coffee shop girl. Seriously. I do.

Speaking of trendy...what is the deal with this whole 1980 flashback style that is going on? I saw three sorority girls walking into their house today (which will remain unnamed) who looked like they walked straight out of a Tiffany concert. I wanted to ask them if they were going to chapter or back to the future. The leggings, plastic earrings, oversized belts, in moderation can be cute, but all of it together brings back images of Stephanie in Full House.

Okay I think my fingers are all loose and ready to start a thesis marathon. Wish me luck!

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