Monday, February 27

Finally Here!

A flight to Houston and a 10 hour plane ride later, I am finally in Buenos Aires! I honestly can’t really even believe that I am actually here. It is one of those things that you tell everyone you are doing but don’t really believe it yourself until you are actually there.

The plane ride wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. One interesting thing, I was sitting in an exit row and when we took off the plastic thing that contained the “Pull in Case of Emergency” handle popped out about an inch from the door. The guy sitting next to me was like “that couldn’t be good.” The flight attendant came over and started messing with it and I was scared to death the door was just going to pop open with us at 11,000 feet. They called the pilot and he said there was no leak warning so that it would be okay but we would just be very cold. Turns out we were so they brought us some of the nice blankets from first class. After the whole door fiasco they promptly served us dinner (chicken pasta…sort of) and started the movies. I was so pumped up when I saw that they were playing Pride and Prejudice. After about 20 minutes though, I fell asleep. I slept a lot but not very well, ya know how it is on planes.

When we arrived in Buenos Aires Sean and I got sort of lost because our plane for some reason didn’t arrive at the international terminal so we were waiting around before we realized why none of the IES people were there. Eventually we found them and got on a bus to go to our houses.

I was the FIRST one off the bus. I think I am one of the people living closest to the school too. I really like the little apartment that I am living in and the woman who I am living with, Cecilia, reminds me a lot of my grandma. She talks and talks which is nice so I don’t have to speak too much at first. First of all about this apartment, when you go up the elevator it is like old school style. You open a door then slide a thing open to get in it. It could only fit like three people. The building though is very nice and our apartment small but quaint. I have my own room with a big closet type thing which is perfect. She put up some shelves by my bed so I could put books and pictures up of my friends and family. I even have my own little bathroom! We share a shower but I have my own sink and toilet which is so nice.

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