Wednesday, May 17

Oh Wednesdays

So today has been good...I like Wednesday (well I dont like the classes) but I get up early so I don't waste the day and I finish two of my classes for the week.

Right now I'm sitting at IES waiting for Tara to finish class. I just overheard one of the computers nears me singing "when i think about you I touch myself." Really?! oh just found out it was a guy watching Daisy Does America. I guess that kinda explains it.

I am going to get my hair cut today. Just trimmed...and I am a little nervous because I don't want to come out with the Argentine girl mullet. Hopefully my spanish is good enough to navegate this one...

So apperantly I "had" to take a test to test my destiny. Some of the questions were interesting...If you were going along with Dorthy would you be the Tin Man, the Scarcrow, or the Cowardly Lion? I would say that I would have been the Good Witch Glenda (shes so cute!) or Dorthy. None the less, here are the results:

Kendall you are a provider...Whether you know it or not, this is the role that is most in tune with who you are at your core. As a Provider, you have a genuine nurturing concern for the welfare of others and you're eager to serve them. You can recognize exactly what people need and your friendly, helpful, social nature makes them feel comforted. With your kind and generous heart, you are personable, talkative, and outward with your emotions, and your openness and sensitivity makes you concerned about the way others view you. Along these lines, be careful not to blame yourself when things go wrong. You cannot prevent bad things from happening, even though your tendency to be orderly with a strong sense of right and wrong may lead you to believe you can. Accept that you do what you can to take care of things and that this will get you far in the world.

I dont know if I agree with this destiny but oh well. I think i'll go out and make my own destiny.

Also I have figured out how to change the look of the blog so a new look might be coming so beware.

Also everyone say a prayer for Lacey...shes in Sao Paulo among the gang riots and all that mess. Good thing I am in tranquilo Argentina...although I have to reroute on the way to class this morining because of blocked streets for a protest...oh Latin America!

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